News of Plataforma per la Llengua

Displaying from 61 to 70 of 112 entries available RSS

We demand immediate measures from the Spanish government delegate to stop language discrimination by the police

The Catalan NGO considers this extremely urgent after the case at El Prat Airport of a Flemish citizen recently operated on for colon cancer who was forced to show the content of the stoma bag he has worn since the operation and harassed by the Civil Guard for speaking Catalan More info about "We demand immediate measures from the Spanish government delegate to stop language discrimination by the police"

The Spanish National Police Force apply the “Gagging Act” to a cyclist for speaking to them in Valencian

Jafet Pinedo reported the officers for abuse of power, false arrest, verbal aggression and false allegations

The officers' trial, set for this morning, could not be held because they failed to appear

Plataforma per la Llengua is advising and supporting the victim More info about "The Spanish National Police Force apply the “Gagging Act” to a cyclist for speaking to them in Valencian"

Plataforma per la Llengua warns of the language situation in school playgrounds and invites the education community to begin a national campaign

Only 14.6% of conversations in primary and secondary school playgrounds in urban areas of Catalonia are in Catalan, as the organisation announced a few weeks ago

"What's at stake isn't just the language, it is, above all, social cohesion," warns Òscar Escuder, chairman of Plataforma per la Llengua

"A high percentage of teenagers don't see Catalan as an attractive, useful tool belonging to them," warns the Catalan NGO

"The state of the language requires us to act on all possible fronts," says Escuder More info about "Plataforma per la Llengua warns of the language situation in school playgrounds and invites the education community to begin a national campaign"

Only two out of every ten Catalan-speakers feel secure speaking their language in front of a Spanish-speaking judge

This is just one of the statistics from InformeCAT 2019, a compilation of 50 pieces of data on the position of Catalan, presented by Plataforma per la Llengua on 20th June

"The position of the language, in terms of social use and linguistic rights, is worrying," says Òscar Escuder, chairman of Plataforma per la Llengua

Unemployment among Spanish-speakers who use Catalan is half what it is among those who don't regularly speak it More info about "Only two out of every ten Catalan-speakers feel secure speaking their language in front of a Spanish-speaking judge"

Spanish Treasury orders staff not to provide telephone service in Catalan

The Spanish Tax Agency has reminded its staff, via the intranet, that "we will never provide" the option to be addressed in a co-official language

A Treasury employee has reported this to Plataforma per la Llengua, who will take the case to the Council of Europe

"Whether the PP or PSOE is in power, the State is very clear: Catalans pay taxes as first-class citizens, but we are treated as second-class citizens", insists the Catalan-language NGO More info about "Spanish Treasury orders staff not to provide telephone service in Catalan"

Exiled Catalan President, Mr. Carles Puigdemont, enters the European Parliament for the first time since he is in Belgium for the opening ceremony of the exhibition “The Catalan Language: 10 million European voices”

The exhibition organized by Plataforma per la Llengua (Platform for the Catalan Language) had been previously censored and banned by the Chamber, although it was subsequently authorized.

"This is not just a matter of linguistic rights, it's about rights in general: freedom and democracy is at stake" stated Mr. Puigdemont

Exiled Ministers Ms. Serret, Mr. Comín, Mr. Puig and Ms. Ponsati also attended the event together with MEPs of all parliamentary groups and representatives of civil society

"We just want to have the same rights that speakers of other European languages have" insisted Mr. Òscar Escuder, president of the Plataforma per la Llengua More info about "Exiled Catalan President, Mr. Carles Puigdemont, enters the European Parliament for the first time since he is in Belgium for the opening ceremony of the exhibition “The Catalan Language: 10 million European voices”"