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Plataforma per la Llengua works with European organisations to promote minoritised languages

We attended the management meeting of the European Language Equality Network (ELEN)

Debate at the meeting focused on keeping up to date with the effects of the pandemic on minoritised languages

On 23 October, Plataforma per la Llengua attended a management meeting of the European Language Equality Network (ELEN), of which it is a member.

The Catalan organisation has coordinated with other European language associations to agree actions to promote minoritised languages in Europe. We took part in the digital management meeting of the European Language Equality Network, an umbrella organisation for dozens of associations all over Europe. This time, the discussion focused on keeping up to date with the effects of the pandemic on minoritised languages.

Vice-president of ELEN and member of the Executive of Plataforma per la Llengua, Rosa de les Neus Marco, pointed out that "governments seem to ignore their legal obligations towards languages during times like the pandemic as well". The meeting was also attended by Fernand de Varennes, special UN rapporteur on minority issues, and Elise Cornu, of the Council of Europe, who is head of its national minorities and minority languages division.

ELEN is the European organisation working to promote and protect Europe's minority and minoritised languages. It represents 46 languages with 166 organisations from 23 States and has consultative status with the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the United Nations and UNESCO.


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