News of Plataforma per la Llengua

Displaying from 101 to 110 of 120 entries available RSS

Òscar Escuder, in the European Parliament: “The Spanish State engages in linguistic supremacism that ostracises Catalan

The president of la Plataforma per la Llengua explained to the MEPs that the imprisonment of the leaders of Òmnium Cultural and the ANC, Jordi Cuixart and Jordi Sánchez, can only be regarded as a political act, and has requested their support to recover democratic normality in Catalonia

The Catalan NGO explained to the MEPs that Catalan language is systematically discriminated against by the Spanish administration and justice More info about "Òscar Escuder, in the European Parliament: “The Spanish State engages in linguistic supremacism that ostracises Catalan"

La Plataforma per la Llengua denounces Spain’s failure to respect language rights to the European Parliament and to the Council of Europe

The president of the Catalan NGO, Òscar Escuder, met MEPs and representatives of the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) to call upon them to promote the reciprocity of audiovisual communications media in Catalan More info about "La Plataforma per la Llengua denounces Spain’s failure to respect language rights to the European Parliament and to the Council of Europe"

Plataforma per la Llengua will appear before the European Parliament to denounce structural linguistic discrimination by the Spanish State

Next Tuesday the president of the NGO for the Catalan language Òscar Escuder will expose the violations of the rights of Catalan speakers by the Spanish administration and judiciary before the Intergroup for national minorities More info about "Plataforma per la Llengua will appear before the European Parliament to denounce structural linguistic discrimination by the Spanish State"

Plataforma per la Llengua denounces the attacks of the Spanish State against our fundamental rights to the European Commission.

Òscar Escuder, president of Plataforma per la Llengua, has written a letter to the Vice President of the European Commission and responsible for fundamental rights in the European Union. Marga Payola, responsible for international relations of Plataforma per la Llengua, delivered the same letter this morning to the European Commission in Brussels. More info about "Plataforma per la Llengua denounces the attacks of the Spanish State against our fundamental rights to the European Commission."

The Plataforma per la Llengua takes part for the first time in the UNPO General Assembly

The Catalan language NGO was an observer at the UNPO General Assembly, which was held in Edinburgh. At the event, Daniel Mundet, a member of the Executive Board of the Plataforma per la Llengua, offered the audience a presentation of the institution and the campaigns that it carries out in promotion of the Catalan language.  More info about "The Plataforma per la Llengua takes part for the first time in the UNPO General Assembly"