News of Plataforma per la Llengua

Displaying from 51 to 60 of 112 entries available RSS

We take part in the international seminar on languages in health

The state of minority languages in the health field has been the focus of a debate featuring seven speakers from different regions of Europe and the Americas

The lack of language skills among health staff can lead to a low level of use of Catalan More info about "We take part in the international seminar on languages in health"

ECRML: an anniversary for a charter protecting Catalan that is still not fully effective

This year, 5 November is the 28th anniversary of the signing of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. 

Spain ratified it in 2001 but, since then, it has continually breached it in the areas of justice, reciprocity and public administration, as well as during the management of COVID-19. 

Plataforma per la Llengua regrets that States like France and Italy have not even ratified the charter after 28 years. More info about "ECRML: an anniversary for a charter protecting Catalan that is still not fully effective"

The UN Special Rapporteur for National Minorities calls on Spain to respect the language rights of Catalan speakers

Plataforma per la Llengua demands that the Spanish government comply with its international commitments after Fernand de Varennes warned of the situation of human rights violations suffered by minorities in Spain More info about "The UN Special Rapporteur for National Minorities calls on Spain to respect the language rights of Catalan speakers"

Plataforma per la Llengua calls for obstacles to using Catalan in the justice system to be left behind when the courts reopen

In a new report, the NGO for Catalan clearly details the impediments to the use of the language and offers solutions, most importantly amending the Judicial System Act, which has also been demanded by the Council of Europe. More info about "Plataforma per la Llengua calls for obstacles to using Catalan in the justice system to be left behind when the courts reopen"

Spain should give information about the coronavirus in Catalan, according to the Council of Europe and the OSCE

The Spanish institutions give information about the coronavirus epidemic only in Spanish, as the Spanish government once again ignores European recommendations. The ECRML criticises the fact that some States, such as Spain "do not share information, instructions, directives and recommendations in languages other than the official language of the country". More info about "Spain should give information about the coronavirus in Catalan, according to the Council of Europe and the OSCE"