Starting this June, Plataforma per la Llengua has achieved special consultative status with the UN's Economic and Social Council, one of its six main bodies
With this recognition, the organisation will be able to access UN facilities, give advice, and participate in the events of the body that coordinates the IMF, WHO, UNESCO and the ILO
The draft report prepared by the Committee on Petitions, following the visit of MEPs to Barcelona to evaluate the language immersion programme, spreads misleading arguments against Catalan language schools.
Plataforma per la Llengua is concerned that the Committee on Petitions, despite being outside its remit, is using public resources to make recommendations for the expansion of the use of Spanish and is embracing the lies of Spanish nationalism.
The entity regards as very serious the declarations made by Jesús María Barrientos, who stated that the families who have taken immersion to court suffer "harassment" and are victims of "xenophobia"
Plataforma per la Llengua, together with other organisations advocating for the Catalan language, met on the 15th and 16th of January in Barcelona with the Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (CEDM) to analyse the Spanish State's compliance with the commitments it ratified in 2001
The main topics discussed were the lack of use of Catalan in the justice system, the linguistic rights of Catalan speakers when dealing with public administrations, and the setbacks in the use of Catalan in Valencian and Catalan schools
The UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues has called on the Spanish State to make a statement on the compatibility of the decisions of the High Court of Justice of Catalonia with international law, the human rights instruments ratified by the state, and the limitations imposed on the language immersion model.
Fernand de Varennes called on the Spanish government to respond within 60 days, but now that the deadline has passed, there is no record of any response from the state. Any response will have to be sent to the new rapporteur, the Swiss Nicolas Levrat.
Plataforma per la Lengua has released a legal report with the participation of EU law professors from King's College London and the University of Birmingham
Academics Karen McAuliffe and Takis Tridimas have criticised the EU Council's restrictive position in 2004 on a request to grant Catalan semi-official status.
The report analyses the main points surrounding the legal issue and warns of the negative consequences of a hypothetical unfavourable response
Òscar-Adrià Ibàñez, head of the International Affairs, and Language Rights and Public Authorities departments at Platform per la Llengua, asked the UN special rapporteur for Minorities, Nicolas Levrat, to intervene to guarantee the language rights of Catalan-speakers at health centres
The organisation's representative pointed out that the use of Catalan with doctors has fallen in Catalonia from 47% to 39% in the last 15 years and that the health care system is the area where most language discrimination is recorded in Catalonia, the Valencian region and the Balearic Islands
The organisation considers that Spain has the capacity to resolve the doubts of other States between now and the date of the next General Affairs Council, and has repeated that it holds the Spanish government responsible for the success or failure of the vote
The Catalan NGO positively values the "gradual deployment" system proposed today by the Spanish delegation if this makes it possible for the other States to agree
Organisations affiliated to Civil Pledge for Official Status for Catalan repeat that whether the language becomes official has real consequences in many areas of the country, and they call on the Spanish government to convince EU Member States to obtain the necessary unanimity
The organisations promoting the commitment, which have already signed the manifesto "Official Status, Now!" in February, call on more associations to support the text. They celebrate the fact that the Spanish government has been pushed into formally requesting official status, as they demanded in February