
Plataforma per la Llengua

C/ Sant Honorat 7, principal 1a
08002 Barcelona

Tel.: +34 93 321 18 03

Contact form

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Any personal data that you provide to us by sending this complaint, query or claim, will be included in our database and will be processed confidentially for the purpose of managing the query, complaint or claim reported to the PLATAFORMA PER LA LLENGUA in the terms and conditions indicated by you.

Under no circumstances will we assign your personal data to 3rd parties without your prior consent.

The period for which the data are stored will be that which is necessary to manage the query, claim or complaint, and in any event for a maximum term of 5 years.

You are also informed that we may process the data pertaining to queries, complaints or claims for statistical purposes and for qualitative studies. In this case, your personal data will be dissociated or anonymized.

During the handling of the claim, and strictly for the management of your personal data, PLATAFORMA PER LA LLENGUA may use software applications to store them in the USA. This transfer is protected by the EU-USA privacy shield.

The PLATAFORMA PER LA LLENGUA fulfils all the applicable legal guarantees for the protection of the privacy of your personal data.

You may exercise your right of access, correction, cancellation and challenge, at any time, as well, as the case may be, the right of portability and limitation of processing provided for in the GDPR (EU) 216/679, by contacting: carrer de Sant Honorat, 7, principal 1a 08002, Barcelona, or by sending an email to

In any event, you can contact the data protection authority ( to initiate the relevant procedures to defend your rights.