The Plataforma per la Llengua works globally to bring about the definitive harmonisation of Catalan. It does so through campaigns and actions that are structured around the following areas of work:
The main objective of this area is to make Catalan language the backbone and a meeting point for the social, ethnic and cultural diversity of our society, thus making it possible to contribute to building roots and social cohesion.
In this area of work, the Plataforma per la Llengua seeks to raise awareness and promote the use of Catalan.
The main objective of the area of Culture, recreation and youth is to work to harmonise Catalan in the cultural and audiovisual, recreation and youth sectors.
The Plataforma per la Llengua works from civil society and in collaboration with the administration to properly diagnose the linguistic situation and help to design actions that guarantee the presence of Catalan in all areas of education.
In this area, the Plataforma per la Llengua seeks to ensure that the administrations fully acknowledge use and promote Catalan language and above all guarantee citizens' language rights in the public and private areas.
Business and consumer affairs is a sphere of action targeting linguistic harmonisation in the socio-economic world, and more particularly with regard to the external image and services that companies offer to users and consumers.
The Plataforma per la Llengua seeks to ensure that the administrations fully acknowledge Catalan language, use it, promote it and above all guarantee citizens' language rights in the public and private areas.
The fundamental strategic objective is to strive to increase the presence of Catalan language in the legal area, particularly with regard to the users and consumers of the service and the professionals involved in this area (lawyers, notaries public, judges, public officials...).