The Pro-Language Platform in the territory

The Pro-Language Platform has a territorial organisation based on assemblies or regional, county or local task forces. These assemblies implement the national campaigns in their municipalities and adapt them to the needs of each territorial reality. The Pro-Language Platform is organised into about ten counties and engages in activities in different municipalities with the help of volunteers acting individually or in groups.

We can do a lot of things in our municipalities to promote Catalan language.

Each municipality must carry out civic interventions beyond what the administrations can do if our language is to progress. People and neighbourhood contact in the districts or towns allows us to engage more directly with people and to address the problems affecting Catalan language.

Work for the Pro-language Platform in your territory!

Bring the national campaigns to your municipality and achieve success!

Territorial Platforms

Baix Llobregat - Esparreguera



The Valencian Community

National headquarters

Vallès Occidental