News of Plataforma per la Llengua

Displaying from 111 to 120 of 120 entries available RSS

Rosa de la Neus Marco, elected new vice-president of the ELEN European network

This Saturday, the member of the executive of the Plataforma per la Llengua, Rosa de les Neus Marco, was elected new vice-president of ELEN, the European Language Equality Network, thus reasserting the organisation's international commitment. More info about "Rosa de la Neus Marco, elected new vice-president of the ELEN European network"

We call upon the European Institute to act against attacks on linguistic rights

The Plataforma per la Llengua expounds the report on linguistic discrimination If you address me in Catalan I'll suspend the proceedings to the European Parliament. Language rights, at a dead end" and calls for linguistic aggressions and discriminations to be regarded as a violation of basic rights More info about "We call upon the European Institute to act against attacks on linguistic rights"

The infringement of the linguistic rights of Catalan speakers in Spain reaches Europe

For the first time ever, there was a debate on linguistic rights in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. Hitherto, language issues had been debated in the Committee on Culture. Marga Payola, the Plataforma per la Llengua's international representative, was in attendance, together with Catalan and Valencian MEPs and the ELEN network. More info about "The infringement of the linguistic rights of Catalan speakers in Spain reaches Europe"

The Plataforma per la Llengua travels to Brussels to denounce the injustices against Catalan speakers

A delegation of the Catalan language NGO met European organisations and institutions to expound the true situation of Catalan language and the need to work together to achieve a Europe more respectful of linguistic rights. More info about "The Plataforma per la Llengua travels to Brussels to denounce the injustices against Catalan speakers"