Legal Notice

General Conditions

Each and every one of the web pages under the, and domains and their respective sub-domains and sub-directories, as well as the content thereof, belong to the Plataforma per la Llengua-Col·lectiu l'Esbarzer, with registered offices in Carrer Sant Honorat 7, principal 1a 08002, Barcelona, and carrer de les Garrigues, 1, 5è, 12, 46001, Valencia, with Company VAT No. G-60417631, incorporated for an indefinite period and entered into the Associations Registry of the Government of Catalonia with number 14.606.

Access to the website and the use of its content and services must be carried out in accordance with the applicable legislation in matters of trademarks, trade names, patents, intellectual and industrial property and information services and any other applicable concordant legislation.