To mark the day of the patron saint of Catalonia, Saint George, the Government of Catalonia's office in the United States and Canada coorganized the Book Day Festival in Kensington, near Washington DC. One of the scheduled activities was the exhibition "The Catalan Language: 10 million European Voices", promoted by Plataforma per la Llengua.
This initiative, first seen in 2019 at the European Parliament, calls for Catalan to be made official in the European Union and maintains that it is not a minority language. In fact, it is the 13th most spoken language in Europe, with more than 10 million speakers, and it is used in four European states. The exhibition shows figures on the vitality of the language in culture, education, society, employment, technology, sport and administration, as well as the minoritization it is suffering at the hands of Spanish, French, Italian and European institutions.
"The Catalan Language: 10 Million European Voices" also includes infographic data about the vitality of the language in all social areas, such as the facts that more than 140 universities around the world teach Catalan; Catalan is the 15th language with most articles on Wikipedia; the Catalan public television channel is an audience leader; and nine of the ten most visited websites in Catalonia have versions in Catalan.
The exhibition, which has already toured cities including Lisbon, Cambridge, Zagreb, Bucharest and Ljubljana, can be found online in English, French and German on Plataforma per la Llengua's website.