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We launch a video in Catalan and English to demolish any legal excuses for refusing Catalan official status

The Catalan NGO is releasing a video summarising studies by two jurists specialising in the European language system to explain that there is no legal barrier that makes official status impossible

The organisation recalls that the Spanish government has never mounted a European court challenge to opinions claiming that any official language must also be included in the Treaties

Plataforma per la Llengua has released a second video in its campaign for the official status of Catalan in the European Union, intended to dispel any temptation to present a legal excuse to deny Catalan official status in the EU.

After a first campaign video explaining the advantages of being an official language in the EU and the steps to follow to achieve it, with less than two weeks left until the meeting of the EU Council the organisation is launching a second campaign video to combat any legal excuses for refusing Catalan official status.

The video, released today, quotes academic articles by jurists Eva Ponts and Stefaan van der Jeught to explain that there is no legal precept dictating that a language must be mentioned in the Treaties before it can be recognised as official.

The video, in Catalan and English, makes the Spanish government responsible for explaining to the other EU countries that there is no legal barrier to official status. And it criticises Spain for never submitting this issue to the CJEU when, on previous occasions, this argument was used to deny Catalan official status.


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